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COVID-19 STAYCATION TIPS: The Definitive Guide

Starting to feel cabin fever being stuck indoors too long? We can relate. That’s why we put together this helpful guide to chase away the stress with some fun activities and a little bit of humor. We’ll be posting some of these to our social media pages – tell us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter which ones you’ve done & share some ideas of what you and your family is doing during the coronavirus shutdown. We’ll post the best ones to this article and on our pages.

  1. Dig out that old Rubik’s Cube and finally learn how to solve it. Bonus: Do it without help from YouTube. Super Bonus: Do it as fast as one of these guys.

  1. Now is also a perfect time to improve your crossword skills.

  1. Dust off those puzzle boxes & spend some time getting the pieces in place.

  1. Journaling is a great way to organize your mind. Take this time to get clear with all of your thoughts and feelings by getting them down on paper.

  1. Have some creative inspiration? You could finally start writing that novel you have had in the back of your mind.

  1. Do you have a favorite instrument that is calling to you? Block out some time, play your day away!

  1. Maybe you are a poet and don’t even know it. Get clever with your word crafting and try building a free verse poem. Or, tell that special someone exactly how you feel through poetry. Bonus: Make it a Haiku. Super Bonus: Make it a Sonnet.

  1. Who has the time to watch all those movie trilogies, endless sequels, and TV series. You CAN…finally. Pop some popcorn, find a comfy seat, and get your show WATCH ON!

  1. Tom Hanks has unfortunately been confirmed to have COVID-19. Send him some positive and uplifting mojo—and now’s a great a time as any to watch all of his films!

  1. Get crafty! Why not finally get around to crocheting that sweater of those socks for a little one? Here’s a link to help you get started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStyoakj8Iw

  1. Absorb the breadth, diversity, and tenor of the Guggenheim’s vast collection of artwork dating back as far as the late 19th century. Spend your day taking in their incredible online collection of artwork right from your very own home.

  1. We all know you can find just about anything on Google. But did you know they have a page dedicated to art and culture. Check out some of the greatest art, history, and architecture in 360 degree views on the artsandcultire.google.com website!

  1. The Louvre is one of those places many people have always wanted to visit. Thanks to museums virtual tours, you can visit whenever you like! Check out the Egyptian Antiquities, the remains of the Louvre Moat, and the Galeri d’Apollon.

  1. Put your home into resort mode with mood lighting. Get your living space nice and moody with salt lamps. Harness a mood filled spectrum of colors with these nifty light bulbs!

  1. Make your house fragrant (sans candles)! Order some fresh flowers to place around the house.

  1. Up your coffee game! Coffee snob or not, we can all appreciate a dang fine cup of java. Order a better quality bean than you normally would. GO PRO: Brew with a french press!

  1. Get the blood pumping with some at-home aerobics or yoga videos! Download a fitness app with an already-assembled workout playlist!

  1. Have face-to-face conversations with your loved ones without leaving your house. Use FaceTime to stay connected and see the smiles of your family and friends while you continue to lift up one another.

  1. Est-ce que tu parles français? Yeah, neither do I, but wouldn’t you love to learn how to speak another language? Rosetta Stone or Pimsleur can help you become a home trained linguistic master!

  1. Indulge in a bubble bath or a relaxing soak in the hot tub to soothe those nerves and worries. Have a glass…or two of wine. Light up your favorite scented candle or some incense and feel the anxiety slip away.

  1. Bring out the child from within by breaking out the coloring book or app. After all, coloring isn’t just for kids. Or, download freebies and print them out yourself.

  1. Get inspired: Go to Pinterest and find something that you want to recreate!

  1. Set up camp right there in the family room—start the popcorn, grab the blankets, and put on some scary movies!

  1. Now’s the best time to tackle those home projects—how about fixing that tile that’s loose or polishing and sanitizing those door knobs?

  1. Look to see what’s in your kitchen pantry and make something with those items that you already have! Dinner doesn’t have to be drab like store-bought pizza. Whip up your favorite pasta with different ingredients and surprise yourself.

  1. Put pen to paper and let your imagination run wild: write a short story or maybe a novel.

  1. Go through the camera roll on your mobile phone and pick out your favorites—make a photo book, or print them out and put them in a frame!

  1. It’s important to remember why you’re grateful: make a list of such things and reflect upon them.

  1. Now’s a great time for some serious financial planning: look into refinancing your loan or other ways to save more money.

  1. There are so many ways to wear a scarf! Check out these astonishingly simple styles by Wendy!

  1. Spark some joy by watching Marie Kondo’s emmy-nominated Netflix series! Take this time to learn to purge your abode of unwanted things and transform your home to a tidy haven that’s full of your favorite things that bring you joy.

  1. Take a virtual tour of our showrooms right on your mobile phone, tablet, or desktop!
  1. Five words that will strike terror in your heart: ‘The Office’ is leaving Netflix. Get all your binge watching done while you still can!

  1. Support local business! Buy gift cards from your favorite local businesses to help keep them in business while we quarantine.

  1. Watch Frozen 2 for the 937th time (it just went up early on Disney Plus). Another new movie on the streaming service to follow it: “Stargirl.” Take a few moments of peace for yourself.

  1. Fun for the whole family: write a book with your family. Pick a character and each member writes a chapter about their adventures. Read aloud to each other.

  1. Get into baking with The Great British Baking Show but your technical challenge is baking something with the ingredients you have on hand – no cheating!

  1. Play Exquisite Corpse. Everyone gets an index card & body part to draw in their own style. Mix and match. Bonus: split into teams & set a time limit.

  1. Three words: Indoor. Scavenger. Hunt. Bonus points for finding spare change. Super bonus if you find that earring or key that has been missing.

  1. Make reading fun! Alternate reading the Harry Potter series with your kids and cap each one off with the movie.

  1. Experiment! Dye your hair a new color. Who cares what Becky in accounting will think? No one else needs to see it if you don’t like it.

  1. Rearrange your sock drawer. No, really. Bonus: when you find ones you thought the dryer has eaten.

  1. Stop procrastinating! Do your income taxes.

  1. Start looking online for all the museums, sporting events and concerts you want to visit when they finally reopen. Make a list. Bonus: setup a shared list on Google Docs to share with friends and family.

  1. Get back into comics with digital subscriptions on your tablet, Marvel Unlimited anyone?

  1. Feng Shui your home! Rearrange your furniture to make your home so zen it hurts. Transform your home until it’s a totally different space. Bonus: all the spare change you find is yours to keep! Super Bonus: you don’t stub your toe once!

  1. Teach your dog to shake, to sit pretty, to roll-over, to get you a beer from the fridge. Hey, it doesn’t hurt to dream, right?

  1. Order and put together some IKEA furniture. Bonus: Time yourself. Super Bonus: Do it without swearing.

  1. Slick life hack: get a free trial of a streaming service and binge-watch as much as you can before it expires.

  1. Learn a new style of dance via YouTube, from bellydancing to breakdancing. Bonus: you don’t break anything in the process.

  1. Do those glasses say ‘you’? Try on new frames virtually on sites like GlassesUSA.com. Or, order some to try one from Warby Parker.

  1. Attempt things with your non-dominant hand, from writing to brushing your teeth. Prepare to be frustrated. Bonus: if you can write your name identically with your left and right hand.

  1. How many words per minute can you type? See if you can get speedier by taking a typing course.

  1. Take some time to learn origami. Impress your loved ones. There is nothing more impressive than turning a gum wrapper into a swan, right?

  1. Stretch. Work on your flexibility. It’s possible to get the splits back, right James?

  1. Try to speak in pig Latin. Or, “ig-pay, atin-Lay.” Bonus: take one day and only speak in pig Latin. Super Bonus: get friends and to family join in.

  1. The thirst is real. Enjoy your soft hair and nails after all this washing and hand sanitizing. Deep condition your hair and don’t forget to put paraffin wax on your hands.

  1. Write a funny song. If you want to make it about your time in quarantine and put it to the tune of “My Sharona” and replace “Sharona” with “Corona,” do what you have to do.

  1. Study the art of beatboxing.

  1. Learn Old English words. Pepper them into your conversation with family. Wherefore not? Bonus: use a few in an email to friends.

  1. Try on a new shade of lipstick. See how long it takes your partner to notice it. Bonus: they notice. Super Bonus: if it’s your wife’s lipstick.

  1. Sleep. This is your chance! Get lots of it.


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