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10 Reasons It's Worth It To Own An Inground Pool

We’re really ready for summer. We can’t wait for the long days, the backyard cookouts and, of course, the in-ground pools.

Pittsburgh has nice, long summer seasons that provide perfect swimming pool weather that we feel like everyone should enjoy. We’ve got 10 reasons to prove this is the summer you should finally get your own inground pool.

1. Welcome to your new relaxation space.

If you have a crowded home, it can be a little tricky to find some space to get away and breathe for a minute. Wading in your inground pool or even lounging next to it in the sun can help you relax and get away from your daily stress for at least a couple of hours.

2. Why go on vacation when the vacation is in your backyard?

Tired of the headaches of planning a vacation, the frustration of traveling with your family and the extra expense it all ends up costing? Well, when you own an inground pool, all you have to do is take a few days off of work and to just relax poolside. Your “staycation” will be just the break you need without any of the vacation stress.

3. It’s perfect for entertaining people of all ages.

Everyone, from young nephews to golden-aged grandparents, can enjoy some pool time. Children can grow up with the pool and adults can stay active and energized as they age. In ground pools are accessories for your home that will never go out of style or be outgrown.

4. A pool can help bring your family together.

Whether you’re looking for a safe space to play with small children or a place that teenagers can hang out with their friends without getting into trouble, an inground pool can bring your family together in an environment that everyone can have fun in, sans the typical melodramatic eye-rolling.

5. There’s no need to go to the gym during summer.

Skip the treadmill for a couple of months and do some laps around the pool. Depending on your weight and the speed you swim at, you can burn between 400 to 950 calories per hour in the pool. Exercising in water is also a lot easier on your muscles and joints, so you can exercise safely for longer.

6. Swimming can do more for your health than just keep you fit.

While inground pools are great for physical fitness, they can also help boost mental and emotional health. For people who suffer from anxiety or depression, exercise therapy in warm water can decrease symptoms and improve mood. Pregnant women and people with fibromyalgia specifically have seen positive results in mental health after swimming.

7. With easy financing, you can get the pool of your dreams.

The cost of an inground pool may be a little intimidating, but financing options can make even an expensive dream pool obtainable for you, and with so many more financing options becoming available, you’ll be able to find the perfect payment plan and loan for your budget.

If you’re still a little hesitant about the price, check out our blog post called “How Much Does An Inground Pool Cost” for more information on what you can expect for pricing and what financing options we offer.

8. Two words: Tax Deductible.

If you take out a home equity loan for purchasing your pool, the interest on that loan may be tax deductible. There are certain limitations to tax deductions on a home equity loan, so be sure to speak with an accountant or tax preparer before taking out a loan.

9. Your backyard will look fantastic.

If your backyard could use a little love, an inground pool will definitely pretty it up. And if you add some upgrades and patio accessories, people will not be able to take their eyes off the yard or want to get out of the pool.

10. You won’t have to worry about cutting as much grass.

Cutting grass is a pain in the… Well, you know. An inground pool takes up space so you won’t have to spend as much time grooming the yard, and even if you still have a lot of grass to cut, at least you have a nice, cool pool to jump into afterwards. Hopefully, this reason is not your main motivation for purchasing a pool, but it’s definitely a perk!

What else do you think is a good reason to own an inground pool? Let us know in a comment!


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